Sunday, April 8, 2012

Design...What's that?

 Design? What's that?

Webster's dicitionary defines Design "to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan". 1

Design occurs naturally in trees, mountains and oceans. It is also created.  Created by those who themselves were created, as part of an ultimate executed plan. From the utilitarian design of things like knives, forks and spoons to the softest most beautiful sculpture; all things have been designed...Design IS EVERYWHERE.


Processing the Design...

Thinking, Looking, Doing

One could sit and think all day about what they wanted to do in a design. But if we just sit and think what would be accomplished? What if Antonio Gaudi just thought about his mosaic's but didn't create them? What if Frank Lloyd Wright, just thought about architecture, but never researched all the elements?  I understand this.. not exactly for interior design as of yet. But for my hobby which is Cake Decorating. While in the design process I have to think about the client's needs and tastes, then research more detailed aspects of their requests, and finally draw a sketch and begin work on the project. Rarely is the end result of a project, just as it was planned in the beginning, however traces of the original work will still be present in the final. These traces are called pentimenti.
2 "The Thinker Statue by Auguste Rodin." The Thinker Statue by Auguste Rodin. Web. 07 Apr. 2012.

Form Follows Function

Many times the design has a greater meaning and purpose. For instance, the American Shaker movement in furniture. The Shakers were a religious group who believed in plain living. Living without embellshiment in their clothing, daily life and even in their furniture. Their furniture lived by the three p's: Plain, Price and Practicality.3 The furniture was not only utilitarian, but it was well crafted and stood as an example of their religious beliefs.  The form of their inspired furniture is the look and shape of it, the purpose is it's efficiency.
3 "Who Were The Shakers?" Antiques. Web. 07 Apr. 2012.
4 "Pigeon Vintage: June 2009." Pigeon Vintage. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. <>.

1"Design." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 08 Apr. 2012.

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