Friday, May 18, 2012

Pattern & Texture

Pattern, we see it everywhere. In nature, we can see a pattern in the way petals form on a rose, the way leaves form on a tree limb. Pattern is everywhere.  It's the repetition of a visual element or module in a regular and anticipated pattern.

Texture on the other hand, is the survace quality of objects that appeals to the tactile sense, for instance..the thorn on the rose, the bark on the tree.

Pattern can create an illusion of texture, but texture itself is associated with touch.

Zephire linen and rayon by Jim Thompson

Thompson, Jim. "Budding Beauties." - 2011-05-31 15:17:00. Web. 18 May 2012.

TEXTURE (tactile texture)

"SitePoint » Learn CSS | HTML5 | JavaScript | Wordpress | Tutorials-Web Development | Reference | Books and More." Elements Of Design: Texture. Web. 18 May 2012.

Tacticle texture is the use of materials to create a surface that can be felt or touched can be used in many ways in interior design by utilizing blankets, arts, etc. The picture above also shows an example of this tacticle texture.

A collage is artwork created by assembling and pasting a variety of materials onto a two dimensional surface. Can be used in original art. Here is an example:

"Collage." Citizen Schools Blog. Web. 18 May 2012.

Verisimilitude is the accuracy or faithfulness in depiction or representation. To create something true or believable, believable in its environment.

"This and That and More of the Same." : Amazing 3D Chalk Sidewalk Art Images from Julian Beever. Web. 18 May 2012.

Trompe L'oeil

A fench term meaning "to fool the eye" objects are sharp focus and delieated with meticulous care to create an artwork that almost fools the viewer into believing the images are actual objects.