Friday, May 18, 2012

It's an illusion......

The Picture plane is the two dimensional surface on which shapes are organized into a composition.

Koktelashs, The Early Years: 1911-1929 Early in the Teens Tanalian Point Saw a Steady Stream of Dena'ina Visitors Coming and Going between Old Nondalton and Even the Stony River Country (the. National Parks Service. National Parks Service, 20 Apr. 2012. Web. 18 May 2012. <>.
Foreshortening is a distortion of a shape due to perspective where in an object appears shorter than we know it to be. (Comes forward/Bigger - Further away/Smaller)

"Stock Photo - The Calf Puts out the Tongue in a Comic Foreshortening." 123RF Stock Photos. Web. 18 May 2012. <>.
Size relationships to achieve space are important in design. It's creating an object that looks closer (bigger) or further away (smaller).

Vertical location is the spatial device in which elevation on the page or format indicates a recession into depth. The higher the object is on the picture plane, the further back it is assumed to be.

"Bell Tower." Behind The Scenes. Web. 18 May 2012. <>.
Aeriral perspective is the perception of less distinct contours and value contrasts, as forms recede into the background, colors appear to be washed out in the distance or take on the color of atmosphere.

"Blue Ridge, Daily Painter: Janet Wimmer." : Aerial Perspective. Web. 18 May 2012. <>.
Multipoint perspective is the system of spatial illusion with different vanishing points for different sets of parallel lines.

Amplified perspective is the dynamic and dramatic illusionistic effect. Created when an object is pointed directly at the viewer.

"130 Stephanie Sexton." : Space (36-42). Web. 18 May 2012. <>.
Isometric projects are spatial illusions when lines receding on a diagnoal remain parrallel instead of converging toward a common vanishing point.

Ambiguity is the obscurity of motif or meaning.

Pattern & Texture

Pattern, we see it everywhere. In nature, we can see a pattern in the way petals form on a rose, the way leaves form on a tree limb. Pattern is everywhere.  It's the repetition of a visual element or module in a regular and anticipated pattern.

Texture on the other hand, is the survace quality of objects that appeals to the tactile sense, for instance..the thorn on the rose, the bark on the tree.

Pattern can create an illusion of texture, but texture itself is associated with touch.

Zephire linen and rayon by Jim Thompson

Thompson, Jim. "Budding Beauties." - 2011-05-31 15:17:00. Web. 18 May 2012.

TEXTURE (tactile texture)

"SitePoint » Learn CSS | HTML5 | JavaScript | Wordpress | Tutorials-Web Development | Reference | Books and More." Elements Of Design: Texture. Web. 18 May 2012.

Tacticle texture is the use of materials to create a surface that can be felt or touched can be used in many ways in interior design by utilizing blankets, arts, etc. The picture above also shows an example of this tacticle texture.

A collage is artwork created by assembling and pasting a variety of materials onto a two dimensional surface. Can be used in original art. Here is an example:

"Collage." Citizen Schools Blog. Web. 18 May 2012.

Verisimilitude is the accuracy or faithfulness in depiction or representation. To create something true or believable, believable in its environment.

"This and That and More of the Same." : Amazing 3D Chalk Sidewalk Art Images from Julian Beever. Web. 18 May 2012.

Trompe L'oeil

A fench term meaning "to fool the eye" objects are sharp focus and delieated with meticulous care to create an artwork that almost fools the viewer into believing the images are actual objects.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Get into SHAPE!!!!!

Shape is a visually percived area created either by an enclosing line or by color or value changes defining the outer edge. Shape can also be called form.

Lauer, David A. "Chapter 8 "SHAPE"" Design Basics. 7th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1979. 152-53. Print.

FIGURE AND GROUND are words also used to discuss positve and negative space - Ground (negative), Figure (positive). Interior designers work with figure and ground space constantly. We must think about the figure and the form, but also mus see the negative space left around it to determine how we will best utilize the space.

"Moderncat :: Cat Products, Cat Toys, Cat Furniture, and More…all with Modern Style." Fill In the Cat: Design Project by Oscar Nunez | moderncat. Web. 13 May 2012.

Biomorphic Shapes

Shapes derived from organic or natural shapes.

"Amy Lau: Urban Biomorphic." Decorati Access. Web. 13 May 2012.

Naturalism, Idealism and Distortion object or portrait made to naturally look like it's reference.
Idealism... an object or portrait made to enhance the natural. object or portrait made to have the proportions and forms of its natural reference.

"MARUBENI Art Collection." Thomas Gainsborough "Wooded Landscape with Peasant Courting a Milkmaid" Art Gallery Marubeni Corporation. Web. 13 May 2012.

"David (Michelangelo)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 Oct. 2012. Web. 13 May 2012.

"Warped Paintings & A Proposition." Visual News. Web. 13 May 2012.

NONOBJECTIVE: Nonidentifiable objects, shapes with no object reference and no submect matter suggestion.
Image Hosted by
"Carpe Diem..." Multiply. Web. 13 May 2012. <>.

Learn your lines!


A line is an extension of a point, elongated mark, connection between two points, the effect of the
edge of an object.

line, space, shape and form, 2012,, 12 may 2012

"Google Images." Google Images. Web. 12 May 2012. <>.

In design LINE can be used for several things... borders, mood, feelings, and defining shape and form.

An IMPLIED LINE is created by positioning a series of points so that the eye tends to automatically connect them.

Lauer, David A. "Chapter 7, Line." Design Basics. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1979. 132-33. Print

"Interior Design: Living the Jane Austen Life." Interior Design: Living the Jane Austen Life. 20 Mar. 2010. Web. 12 May 2012.

Psychic lines is where there is no real line, not even intermittent points, yet we feel a line, a mental connection between to elements.


Contour lines vs. Gesture lines

Contour lines follow the edges of a form.. their outline. Gesture lines show shpaes in less important direct form.


"Euna Kwon: Clock Repair Store - Contour Line." Euna Kwon: Clock Repair Store - Contour Line. Web. 12 May 2012.


"Animal Shapes: December 2009." Animal Shapes: December 2009. Web. 12 May 2012.


Lost and found contour lines give us just a few clues as to what the picture is supposed to be of; but doesn't show the complete contour of the line of the figure or object.